Isn't it hard for us women to manage families or careers that we often neglect to take care of ourselves to look and feel our best?

Unlike others, we at myskinbazar, a female lead company, recognize the unique needs and challenges faced by women, and we strive to address these specific concerns with our exceptional products and services.

We dedicate our company to providing the best possible products and services for women in their late 20s and mid-30s that have busy lives by offering fast service, knowledgeable solutions, and a wide variety of products to choose from.

We also understand that many of our customers are housewives, mummies, or pregnant women, so we specifically choose only local products that use high-quality, natural ingredients for their products so that are safe for them to use.

Our commitment to delivering customized solutions sets us apart and ensures that our customers feel valued, supported, and confident in their skincare and body care choices. We appreciate all our supportive customers by offering a loyalty program as a reward for their continuous support. 

Myskinbazar was founded in 2017 with the target to educate consumers that there are local Malaysian brands that are made with safe and natural ingredients which help to deliver believable results without the risk of harmful side effects on users.

From 2 brands in 2017, Kayman and Cuura, now to this day, we are proud that myskinbazar has over 10 brands in store with more than 100 skincare and body care products to offer to our users.